Titelbild Ein-Blatt-Buch

Instructions: One-sheet book

Hello, today we would like to show you instructions where you can quickly and easily conjure up a small book from one piece of paper.

It is the perfect base for a small mini album, which you can decorate to your heart's content.

What you need for it

  • 1x design paper of your choice (cut DIN A4, 21 cm x 29.7 cm)




Cut the paper to size


If design paper is to be used for the book, it must first be cut to A4 size (21 cm x 29.7 cm). After cutting, place the long side of the paper in front of you.

Cutting paper with a guillotine

Step 1

Fold the paper


Now fold the paper on the long side in the middle at 10.5 cm.

Then unfold it again and now fold along the short side at 7.4 cm; 14.8cm and 22.2cm.

Step 2

Folding and cutting


Fold the paper in half on the short side. Now the paper needs to be cut on the closed side. Cut along the central fold line on the long side to the next fold line on the short side.

Step 3



Now open the sheet again and fold it along the central fold line on the long side.

You should now see the cut from the previous step in the middle. Now push the paper towards the middle at both uncut ends.

By sliding it, a diamond is created in the middle.

Step 4

Finish the book


Continue pushing the paper until the diamond closes again and the ends meet in the middle.

The paper forms a cross. Now you can lay the resulting cross flat.

Fold the resulting book pages together onto one page.

You should now have a finished little book in front of you, which you can now decorate.


The open ends/side pockets can be glued, sewn or used for small surprises as desired.

We hope you enjoy crafting!


From us for you


The instructions are subject to alexandraRenke's Angel Policy.


This can be found at www.alexandra-renke.com.


Alexandra Renke

51503 Rösrath, Germany

© alexandra-renke.com

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