stempel variation auf weißem papier

Word stamp combos: a colorful mess

Today Melanie from our design team has a little stamp inspiration for you! She created little works of art with clear stamps and ink pads.

Materials :

material overview

Rubber stamp

The new word stamps in the experience world allow you to easily design greetings or good wishes for the recipients, appropriate to the occasion. The nice thing about the stamps is that the words are included in one set in different sizes and fonts. This means you can really play around with typography and greetings.

For an interesting composition, you can vary the size and type of font and also the orientation of the word. I think it's particularly nice when you don't just stamp horizontal words, but also combine them with horizontal ones. This almost creates a small greeting poster.

different stamp combinations

And this is how it could look as a finished card or pendant. Melanie combined our bellflower and fringe flower dies with our flower meadow design paper and chiffon ribbon .

pendant with stamps and this

Of course, you can let your creativity run wild and combine clear stamps from different sets and ink pad colors.

colorful stamp combinations


With embossing powder you can even get a 3D effect. If you don't know how it works, you can read about it here in Silke's technical guide or let Lara show you how to create a shiny mother-of-pearl effect.

Embossed stamp - Wishing you a wonderful day Technical knowledge • Embossing with Silke Roßmüller
Mother of pearl effect with embossing powder Mother of pearl effect with embossing powder

Do you already have ideas about which stamps you would like to combine first?

From us to you 💛


If you want to see more of Melanie's work, follow @ melbg74 on Instagram.

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Ich finde es so spannend, wie man immer auf so tolle Einfälle und Ideen kommt. Es ist mir immer wieder eine Freude mit euren Materialen zu arbeiten.

Jutta Pernesch

Was für eine zauberschöne Inspiration, liebe Melanie. Klein, aber oho…💜


Das ist eine tolle Idee und zweifarbig, der Hammer <3
Liebe Grüße Ingrid


Wow der Farbverlauf sieht ja toll aus und das Glockenblümchen 🤩


Vielen Dank an Melanie für diese Inspiration. Eine wirklich tolle Idee, Vorhandenes neu zu kombinieren. Das werde ich umgehend ausprobieren. Und die gezeigten Beispiele machen richtig Lust darauf in der eigenen Sammlung zu stöbern und ggf. mit neuen Stempeln zu ergänzen. DANKE!

Monika Buchholz

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